
Enable guest registrations for your events on Heylo. With guests enabled, members can register for the event and sign up others. Guests empower members to bring their friends, colleagues, and family members without friction. Guests can supercharge the group, increasing inclusivity and transparency at events and increasing overall membership.

With guests enabled, Heylo will prompt members to register guests and input their guest’s names. By using names, not numbers, guests become visible to others and further foster a sense of belonging. The visibility helps everyone get comfortable and break the ice before the event.

Incorporating guests into the Heylo ecosystem goes beyond mere registration. Guests are seamlessly integrated into all event functionalities, including registration counts, participant limits, and waitlists. A host can limit guests by registration type as well, allowing certain registrations to bring guests but others to remain restricted. For paid events, event hosts can specify a different price for paid guests. Note, guests do not need to register directly and therefore do not sign a waiver on Heylo.

As always on Heylo, event hosts and group admins have ultimate control. Hosts can limit the number of guests or eliminate the guest option.


  • A family-oriented hiking group counts on guest registrations to include everyone in their adventures, ensuring even the youngest members without Heylo accounts are accounted for.
  • A running club extends the camaraderie of its runs by inviting non-members to join their celebratory after-parties through guest invites.
  • A neighborhood association utilizes the +1 option to broaden their community engagement for special events, making them more accessible and inclusive for partners


  1. Create a new event in your Heylo group
  2. Head over to registrations and toggle on guests
  3. Set a max number of guests, and add an optional price
  4. Save and publish your event!

Guests are another step toward helping leaders build impactful communities and help their members belong.